THE RESCUE - A Live Film-Concerto

A Celebration of Courage

An Expanded Cinema Documentary work by Alvaro Castellanos and Boris Castellanos

‘THE RESCUE - A Live Film-Concerto’ is a performative film experience that combines a 60-min documentary film with a live musical performance of its musical soundtrack - to recount the little-known story of 'Righteous' Colonel José Arturo Castellanos. Castellanos collaborated with his Jewish friend to save thousands of Jewish lives during the holocaust by issuing Salvadoran nationality certificates while working as a diplomat; putting his life and family at great risk. This ground-breaking Film-Concerto concept was developed by filmmakers Alvaro and Boris Castellanos, grandsons of Colonel Castellanos as an emotionally engaging and uplifting way to tell the story of their grandfather and as a pioneering narrative in holocaust education and commemoration of the 'Righteous among the nations'.

THE RESCUE - A Live Film Concerto live in New York City - Featuring Luisito Quintero

Gallery: THE RESCUE A Live Film-Concerto - World-wide presentations and various talks by the Castellanos Bros. in Argentina, Germany, Panama, China, Canada and others

VIDEO: Premiere Live-Concerto performance 2017 - Wychwood Barns, Toronto

The Live Film-Concerto has been performed in Canada, the U.S., Germany, Argentina, Chile, Panama, Costa Rica, and China. In Germany the film was presented (at the former seat of the Nazi Reich Bank and at the Topographie des Terrors Museum - the former Nazi SS and Gestapo headquarters in Berlin).  The live musical performance is directed by Boris and Alvaro Castellanos (who play piano and bass respectively), along with a Latin chamber music and Latin Jazz sextet. 


Video of the dedication of “Beyond Duty” the mesmerizing monument by artist ZEHAVA BENJAMIN, honouring diplomats recognized as Righteous among the Nations - February 5th, 2018.

To learn more about Zehava Benjamin’s Artistic vision for this amazing piece (CLICK HERE)

VIDEO: Univision report about The Film-Concerto - featuring footage from the live film by Alvaro & Boris Castellanos (Spanish)


VIDEO: Interview with Alvaro Castellanos on Panamanian Television - July, 2017

VIDEO: talk and presentation of excerpt from film by Alvaro & Boris Castellanos honouring Colonel José Arturo Castellanos - MIAMI.

Besides being able to emotionally connect diverse audiences to this story of  good will and rescue, the Film-Concerto has had the effect of bringing together communities and artists in each city through the power of music and film, to honour the memory of José Arturo Castellanos and to educate about the importance of the Righteous Among the Nations. 

Alvaro and Boris Castellanos speak to students wherever they present Their Film-Concerto to discuss the Holocaust as well as other contemporary themes of the film - like the importance of standing up against prejudice, anti-semitism and injustice; the power of one and how to get actively involved to make one's voice heard to help others. 

For more information on how to book a concert-screening of  THE RESCUE - A Live Film-Concerto in your city, please contact us.



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Banner photo by Connor Ferguson, courtesy of Holocaust Center for Humanity - Seattle, WA